14. a 15. mája sa konal tretí workshop s Romanom Miškovom a Stanom Prorokom, týkajúci sa práce s hlinou priamo v Hrubom Šúre u našich projektových partnerov o.z. ArTUR. Workshop sa okamžite naplnil…
Aké boli témy?
- Spravíme hrubú hlinenú nabíjanú vrstvu na penové sklo
- Nanesieme hrubú hlinenú omietku na slamenú stenu
- Vyriešime vzduchotesnosť na penovom skle okolo stavby

On the 14th and 15th of May, a third workshop was held with Roman Miškov and Stano Prorok, concerning work with clay directly in Hrubý Šúr with our project partners o.z. ARTUR. The workshop filled up immediately... What were the topics? - We make a thick clay charging layer for foam glass - Apply a rough clay plaster to the straw wall - We will solve the airtightness on the foam glass around the building