V poradí už siedmy workshop, t.j. praktické prevedenie a skúšanie sa bude konať v piatok, 21.10.2022* v Hrubom Šúre, v sídle našich kolegov z o.z. ArTUR.
Netradične v piatok, ale to aj preto, lebo toto pracovné stretnutie bude venované najmä odborníkom. Okná sú kritickou súčastou koceptu bývania s nízkou uhlíkovou stopou a určite sa nedajú vyrobiť a zasadiť len tak, amatérsky.
Prihlásiť na tento remeselný workshop sa dá dvoma spôsobmi, jednak cez email ozartur@gmail.com, alebo priamo na webstránke ozartur.sk/kalendar
Tešíme sa na vás!
*pôvodný termín, 7.10. 2022 sa musel zrušiť v dôsledku ochorenia školiteľov
The seventh workshop in a row, i.e. the practical implementation and testing will take place on Friday, 21 October 2022, in Hruby Šúr, at the headquarters of our colleagues from o.z. ArTUR. Unusually on a Friday, but also because this working meeting will be dedicated mainly to experts. Windows are a critical part of the concept of low-carbon living, and they certainly cannot be made and installed just like that, amateurishly. You can register for this craft workshop in two ways, either via email ozartur@gmail.com or directly on the website ozartur.sk/kalendar We are looking forward to you!